The innovation is the basis of success
Making the most out of nature and technology to give quality usable to human being.
Diva International has always been on the front line with regard to the innovative capability in one’s field of activity: formulations, licenses, packagings and equipments are focal points at the basis of research and design that guide the company to improve the own production and the commercialized products.
But behind Diva International’s success there is not only the technological innovation but also the extreme attention to quality throughout the production chain centred on a single purpose: to meet the needs and to protect the customer’s health.

Diva International Studies Centre
Through the innovation we try to improve with awareness people’s quality of life of today and for future generations. Our team of researchers and micro-biologists dedicates itself every day to the study of new formulations starting with the research on different raw materials with multiple features.
Particular attention is given to dermatological studies and to solutions’ analysis for the hygiene of the person, of the house and for the cleaning of four-legged friends.
Innovative vision: a window on the world
Thanks to the continuous research and to the particular dedication aimed at attaining the achievement of High Quality, as the main goal of the company’s mission, Diva International is leader in Italy in its target market for the sale of wet wipes and it constantly continues to obtain prizes and awards both from reference companies and istitutions in cosmetic and distributions and by customers.

Academic research
For the development of formulations and the creation of new references, in addition to its own state of the art in-house Laboratory, Diva International collaborates for years with different Italian Universities and specialised Centres aiming to develop and certify products that can always answer to consumers’ needs in accordance with environmental ethical rules.
With a view to continuous development of ideas and products that can answer to the needs of every day life in terms of semplification and comfort, great importance is given by the company to the internal development of licenses as for formulations, productive methodologies, equipments, design and packaging.
The real entrepreneurship often lies in watching with a pioneering eye today’s investment understanding with foresight tomorrow’s value.
- Unique producers in Europe of self-heating devices
- Patented design across the entire line of self-heating devices
- Process and product licenses across the entire line of Wet Wipes and medical devices