Diva international
A family history
“Loving your work constitutes the best concrete approximation of happiness on earth”
Primo Levi
The work culture in Cocchioni’s family has always been permeated by ethics, rigour and love for work, already passed down for three generations.
We start with the grandfather, “Pasquale Cocchioni, who rode, tireless, his bycicle through villages and farming villages in the heart of Umbria”, selling needles, pins and spools, they were the early 1900s.
Who grew up in a family giving body and soul to the realization of a dream of emancipation and to the project of development of its own activity, could not escape from the ambition to become a successful businessman.

So, with constant will and intelligence, the brothers, Pasquale and Paolo Cocchioni, from an early age they dedicate themselves to build their own present and a future for the community in which they grew up and that it is an essential side of their identity.
Measuring yourself, with your own ambitions and following dreams even those that seemed impossible, has brought Cocchioni brothers to share the trip in Diva International: everyone with his personal contribute, his personality and his strength, has made this trip unique and successful.

It was 1981 when an intuition changes forever the company’s path: the launch on the Italian market of single-dose wet wipes for restaurants.
Today Diva boasts 35 production lines, from the personal care, home care, to the personal wellness, until specific lines for the pet.
That is how that the brothers Pasquale and Paolo Cocchioni, have always faced the crisis and have won the challenges of a global market: always putting the face in it and always looking with confidence to the future.
Diva International is for all intents and purposes, a Family History, for this in the company one is aware that to stabilize the success and the position of leader of the own target market the wellness of people who are part of the “family” giving their own activity to the company cannot be ignored.
Contributing to the growth and development of the company, of the territory and of our own country has always been the lever which moves every day, together with love and passion for their work, the brothers Pasquale and Paolo Cocchioni.